Welcome to TIR2RENT
Intelligent rental solutionsPrivacy Policy
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27TH April, 2016 pertaining to the protection of individual persons with regards to the processing of personal data is applicable as of 25th May, 2018, and reinforces security and control in the safeguarding of your personal information.
Our priority is the protection of your personal information and TIR2RENT aims to be with you in the strict compliance of the statutory regulations and privacy of your data.
Because we believe that conformity with the new regulation is a daily mission, TIR2RENT promises to protect your personal information and to be clear and transparent about the type of information gathered and the way in which it is used.
In this way, TIR2RENT promises that the processing of personal data will be done in accordance with the Law, and that we will only use the data provided, in strict observance of the legal obligations imposed, or for the continuance of your legitimate interests.
When you consult or browse our website, www.tir2rent.pt, some data, including personal information may be obtained passively, without those indications being expressly indicated, resulting from the use of different technology, such as cookies.
Additionally, on our website, www.tir2rent.pt, in the CONTACT form, you may be asked to convey personal data in a direct way, as a condition of the use of some functions, such as job applications.
The personal information we collect refer to your name, postal and e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, tax and/or personal identification number.
We restate our commitment to your privacy, and for that reason we ask that you help us by guaranteeing that your data is correct and up-to-date, and that it will only be used according to your indications. Please do so by providing us with your consent, by clicking on the link below.
We have the technical means to guarantee the security of your personal data, but you should be aware that the use of websites and the transmission of information by electronic means may be subject to access by unauthorised third parties.
Should you be contacted by us, for the promotion of goods or services or for any purpose not expressly contemplated on the electronic collection site, it is because this information is on our database, which predates 25th May, 2018 and was previously controlled by an authority of control in Portugal, the CNPD (National Commission for the Protection of Data), which legitimises its processing, or because after that date you expressly authorized us to do so, in accordance with the Provisions of Regulation (EU), 2016/679.
We remind you that you may, at any moment and free of charge, withdraw the consent that was previously granted, ask for the correction, modification, restriction, anonymization or elimination of your personal data, request an explanation on the processing and have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
These rights may be exercised by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or in writing to:
Quinta da Torre, Lote1
Parque Industrial
6300 – 625 - Guarda – Portugal
If you withdraw the consent that was previously granted and ask that no contact be made by whichever means of communication such as: e-mails, SMS, MMS or telephone, whatever contact we make after that request will be solely for the preparation, celebration or execution of contracts, or whenever, independently of those situations, there is a legitimate interest.